NfN videreformidler informasjonen og linken til dette webinaret som et tilbud til NfNs medlemmer. Planon Nordics AB er nytt medlem i NfN.
‘The future workplace’ is a topic which has been regularly discussed in recent years. With the pandemic accelerating the shift towards hybrid working this has become even more relevant. The way we work has changed dramatically during the past year and new developments are just around the corner. The workplace has become a combination of corporate, home and flexible offices. While some employees are eager to get back to the office, most are predicted to prefer a flexible approach to where they work, labelled ‘Hybrid Work’.
In this webinar on June 1st 2021, from 08:00-09:00 CEST, Peter Ankerstjerne, CSO at Planon and Chair of IFMA’s global Board of Directors, Victor Mannerholm Hammar, Director at EY and Henrik Byström, Business Lead from Microsoft, will discuss what hybrid working means to them and why digitalisation is seen as the enabler of hybrid work. The discussions will be moderated by Kati Barklund, Chair of IFMA Sweden and Head of Workplace Strategy at Tenant & Partner.»
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